Sunday, November 21, 2010

My "big" painting in-progress...

Well, compared to Camie Davis' massive Orion painting (approx. 6'x9') my painting is anything but big.  But, at 32"x40" it is the biggest one I have attempted since starting my studies in NYC.  Here is part of the 1st figure.  More pictures to come, but it would be better if you all just came to the show (12/10!) and saw it for yourselves.

The painting is my first attempt at a narrative and is based on the Edgar Allan Poe short story, Ligeia.  

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Art Show!!

Remi and I will be having an art show comprised of work we have done over the last two and a half in New York.  It will be hosted by The Guild Atelier, in Carroll Gardens.  Art, music and dancing!  Plus, a chance to say goodbye to Remi and me :)  We are leaving for our homes (Kentucky and Mexico) and this is our farewell to the city (for now at least :)  So please come out and celebrate with us!

Friday December 10th, The Guild Atelier, 487 Union Street, Carroll Gardens Brooklyn

More info to come!

Remi's Beautiful Bird!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Digital Chiaroscuro

Remi, Todd, Carla and I will all be participating as the classical element to this contemporary show, curated by my dear friend Shannon McEneaney via NUDEwithaGOOSE

I am including the information from her site and photos of drawings by Remi Cardenas and Carla Crawford.  The show is a part of a festival in Bushwick, come out and support :)

As a part of ArtsinBushwick Beta Spaces NUDEwithaGOOSE will be presenting Digital Chiarascuro:

Digital Chiaroscuro will explore the continued relevancy of the interplay between light and shadow by conflating contemporary digital art with contemporary classical figurative drawings. By simultaneously showing two mediums with such strong variants, new light can be shed on their similarities thus allowing the work to play off each other creating an immersive exhibit.

Todd Casey 
Bianca Boragi
Remi Cardenas 
Jeremiah Jones
Carla Crawford 
Phillip Stearns
Ashley Howell 
Andrew Thompson

Sunday, November 14 · 12:00pm - 7:00pm

Brooklyn Fireproof
119 Ingraham Street
South Brooklyn, NY

Nate, By Remi Cardenas

John, By Carla Crawford

Friday, November 5, 2010

Drawings from the GCA

Cast Drawing of the Mouth

Second Cast Drawing:  Ariadne or Dionysus dressed as a woman (still in debate :)

Final Cast Drawing (poor quality photo) Ariadne of Naxos 

Beginning the blog...

Six weeks left in NYC, so lets spend as much time together as possible, and then it's back to Kentucky!

This is my first attempt at blogging :)  I am coming to the end of my formal pursuit for a classical art education and am getting ready to bring what I have learned back to the Bluegrass State!  It is so sad/difficult/scary to think of leaving this little New York nest of classical artists and going back to a place where artists working for a similar goal have yet to build a similar network.  I have been so lucky to be surrounded by knowledgeable, inspired, enthusiastic artists for the past two and a half years.  Despite my complaining, I will miss even the long conversations full of technique jargon that I still only semi-understand.  And, while it will be nice to not hear the word Munsell for a long time, it will be be very hard not to be in daily contact with the excitement and energy that everyone is putting into making this movement a beautiful living thing.  I have been blessed to have met some of the greatest living artists in the world and some of my closest friends.  Six weeks left in NYC, so lets spend as much time together as possible, and then it's back to Kentucky!

So, this blog for New York to stay in-touch with me, and Kentuckians to connect with me, and anyone else who has an affinity for art, poetry and the Pre-Raphaelites... oh and the awkwardly titled "contemporary classical realists."